Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Never forget the SERVICE of others

Never forget the SERVICE of others.
Blog #6

As I reflect upon Memorial Day, I am once again reminded of the service that so many men and women sacrificed so that you and I may enjoy the many freedoms we have today. Memorial Day is a day we set aside to commemorate veterans who died during their service to our country. It was first enacted to honor those soldiers in the Union army who died during the American Civil War. After World War I it was extended to include American casualties of any war or military action.

I never had the privilege to serve in the military, however, I am grateful for those who have and would like to extend a public “Thanks,” to all, especially a few family members who did serve in the military branches. Not all of these were killed or injured, but all served their country with honor and distinction.

·      My father, BOBBY GREEN, who served in the United States Air Force during the 1950’s.
·      My grandfather, JAMES WADDLE, (Deceased) who served in the U.S. Navy during WW II in the Pacific Theatre.
·      My uncle, BILL GREEN, (Deceased) who served in the U.S. Army during WW II in the North African and European Theatre. He was a POW in a Nazi camp. Received numerous medals and badges for his service to his country.
·      My uncle, STEVE GREEN, (Deceased) who served in the U.S. Army during the early 1960’s.
·      My uncle, JOE SCARBOROUGH, (Deceased) retired U.S. Army Veteran who saw action and served during the Vietnam War.
·      My uncle, JURGEON KLEIN, retired U.S. Army Veteran. Served during the Vietnam War.
·      My father-in-law, LONNIE SNODGRASS, (Deceased) who served in the U.S. Army during WW II in the Pacific Theatre.
·      My brother–in-law, H.M. SNODGRASS, U.S. Army veteran who served and saw action in the Vietnam War.
·      My brother-in-law, VENSON SNODGRASS, U.S. Army veteran who served in the Vietnam War.
·      My cousin, Lt. Col. MIKE HOGAN, West Point graduate, retired U.S. Army veteran. Served a distinguished career whose leadership and counsel were valuable to both Army leaders and members of the U.S. Congress. Worked at the Pentagon.

There are many others including friends and distant relatives who have served in the different branches of the military. I am forever grateful for their SERVICE to this country and its citizens.


Stay Positive and remember Today Matters,

 Jim Green