Thursday, August 6, 2015

Why take a Mastermind?

Why take a Mastermind?

'Walking into a new place, with many new faces can be awkward and uncomfortable; those were my feelings as I walked into my first mastermind group.  The feeling of excitement to grow, but being held back from the thought of embarrassment and being out of place. Upon shaking hands, meeting new people, the feeling of being out of place was erased and the positivity in the room was electric.  Everyone was just like me, there to expand his or her mind and find more self-motivation.  After the introductions the power points started rolling and the lesson began. 
It lasted past 2 slides when the teacher presented a thought-provoking question, everyone sit silently for a few moments reflecting how the question impacted them individually.  Soon a discussion started amongst the group, as each person was enticed to give their opinion and thoughts.  Hearing each person’s response was eliciting another idea in my own mind.  When I saw a chance to jump in with my ideas, it was relieving to see the attentiveness and interest from everyone in the group. 
Though we might not have agreed or had the same ideas as one another the whole group grew together.  Opening our minds to different thoughts and challenging ourselves to answer a tough question.  We only made it through 8 or 9 slides out of 25 that meeting, but the growth over the weeks and advice taken has had a lasting impact on how I approach people and daily life.'

Masterminds… Let’s be honest, the name even sounds slightly intimidating and uncomfortable.  After a few hours to reflect on my experiences in the mastermind groups, the one word that continued to come to mind was “growth.”  If my father would have asked me a year ago to write this post, I would have had the same feelings of being uncomfortable just as I had the first time walking into a mastermind.  Throughout those masterminds I have had the opportunity to meet new people and connect with them on a different level then most, I feel much more confident in my ideas and overall just have a more positive lookout on every situation I may end up in.

Having to narrow it down to three reasons why everyone should join a mastermind might have been my hardest task of the day.  Firstly, No matter where you are in life, there can be uplift in spirits and ideas through the face-to-face interactions in a room of positive people.  In a mastermind, meeting new people goes far beyond a name and handshake, there is a connection made with each individual in the group.  This time spent in a room full of growing people will help you find the motivation and leadership skills you may be lacking or in search of.

            Another reason can be related to the first, by putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation it leaves room to grow as an individual.  Sometimes when the tough questions are asked we tend to put our head down and just listen instead of interacting.  During a mastermind study, you will become more comfortable having to deal with unfavorable situations and questions by finding answers from with–in.  This doesn’t only occur during the meetings, but you will find yourself applying the same skills to family and business life as well.

            Lastly, when we graduation from school, whether it be high school or college, why do we stop expanding our minds?  Each class through school became more detailed challenging us to learn new and more material.  Once we are comfortable with where we are and what we know, we become stagnant as an individual.  The world is in a constant state of change, we must open our minds to differing views and opinions to better help us understand our own.  This paired with continual learning can push us to obtain a state of constant growth putting us closer to achieving our goals.

Get uncomfortable and see the growth,

Jordan Green

New Masterminds starting Monday, August 17th in Bowling Green.
New Masterminds starting Thursday, September 3rd in Morgantown.
For more information check out the Facebook page and feel free to message for any additional questions.