Monday, May 4, 2015

Fatherhood Part 2

Please, is there a manual for Fatherhood? (Part 2)
Blog #4

The second lesson in reality is that every child has great “potential” to achieve and accomplish things in their life that many do not believe is possible. We are all born like the movie character “Rocky” in that we must go through a maturing process that will take time and will carry us through many adversities and obstacles. We must help our children discover and identify their gifts and talents and then inspire them to develop these abilities. The character Rocky formed a positive self- image throughout the series of movies and this allowed him to set higher and higher expectations for his life. We want our children to dream and reach for the stars as they walk along the journey and find their calling.

The third lesson in reality is that as parents we must learn to influence the main influencers in our kid’s lives. Our children will gravitate towards many different people and will be influenced in many ways. As parents, we must keep them grounded and make sure that the key influencers have the best interests of the children in mind and will ignite positive and uplifting feelings within them. The mentors, coaches, teachers, family members, and friends will all have impact upon our children and we must make sure that they are gaining wisdom and encouragement from these people.

A major influencer will be their mother, so it is critical that as a spouse we will work together as teammates to form a support system that will allow our children to acquire the structure, discipline, and freedom to discover and develop their unique talents. Both parents must sacrifice and as a husband the more love I show to their mother, the easier it is for the children to understand that our family is a team moving together and staying together on this journey of life.

NEXT WEEK- We will complete the many realities learned from Fatherhood.
Stay Positive and remember Today Matters,
 Jim Green