Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Attitude: "The Choice"

 ATTITUDE: “The Choice”

ATTITUDE – a word that I have heard my entire life from my parents, coaches, teachers, and colleagues. A simple word but yet so powerful in determining who we are, who we will become, and what lasting impact we will have on other people in the world. I have always believed that I have “the choice” to choose my attitude daily and for the most part it has always been positive. This is an amazing freedom that people have who live in a free society possess and one that should never be taken for granted. 

“The Choice” is not always easy due to the many fears, disappointments, failures, and changes we encounter during life’s daily journey. It is so easy for our attitude to get sidetracked and take a downward spiral if we are not fully aware and work at preventing it from happening.

As I continue to study successful people, a common thread emerges that links a POSITIVE ATTITUDE among all of these people, even when they are in the midst of major failures, disappointments, and changes. As John Maxwell once said, “Our attitude is the DIFFERENCE MAKER in determining success or failure.”

A final point that emerged is that the most successful people in life experienced MORE discouragement, MORE disappointments, and MORE failures than less successful people. They are simply willing to take MORE RISKS in life. They are able to navigate through these troubled times due to an unwavering determination and desire to make a difference. Four qualities are found in most of these successful people.

3.    LASER FOCUS on the task.
4.    A QUIET CONFIDENCE that success will occur.

Viktor Frankl once said, “Each man is questioned by life.” I believe we are being questioned every day of our life by “The Choices” we make concerning our attitude. I challenge you to make a wise choice daily.

Stay Positive and Today Matters,
Jim Green

Building Bridges 4 Life